Five Reasons to Focus on Social Emotional (SE) Skills

Uncategorized Jan 21, 2022

Recently people’s lives have been impacted by environmental disasters as well as a global pandemic. The ability to continue to grow, prosper and to live life depends on the ability to be flexibility and adjust to new situations. Those individuals who have mastered social emotional (SE) skills will be in a better position to embrace changes and to continue their lives in ways that are different but fulfilling.

To develop social emotional skills that will support meeting your goals you should:

  1. Recognize and manage your emotions. It is always good to embrace one’s feelings. Acting based on emotions typically leads to bad decisions. Own your feelings and seek to understand them. Then make decisions based on reason and logic.


  1. Demonstrate caring and concern for others. By putting the needs of others before your own you multiply the resources that are at your disposal. The practice of focusing your attention away from yourself gives your practice in not only...
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